Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I'm not sure what to post, but I am on a serious caffeine high, so I figured I could think of something. I haven't felt this hyper in some time.

Today was my last day of bible study. I really enjoyed the ladies at my table. We had a good time.

I really can't think of anything else to write about. My mind is whirling too fast.

The kids are good. Baby M. is having some reflux again, so any prayer is appreciated.

1 comment:

Karenee said...

yay for caffeine!

I hope another Bible study comes along, it's always a lot of fun. Look into a MOPS group in your area maybe? link to local search
Our church has disassociated from the organization, but we still have a Mom's group once a month, so I don't miss it. *grin* Our group is good, and there have to be others that are really worthwhile.