Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What I Found

When I went to get the boys out of bed this afternoon. The drawer was already broken, but the rest of the mayhem was generated by that curly headed boy. He's holding a stack of wipes. I found a bunch of wipes wadded up in the clothes basket. I wondered why the monitor quit working. I never even thought it might be unplugged. Now what do I do? I guess it's time to empty the room and take the side off thier cribs.


Karenee said...

I do remember these days! Wow... have fun with that. {{{hug}}}

Patti's Ponderings said...

funny! Mom

Valerie Comer said...

LOLOL!! No, really. They're growing up, you can't hold it back.

He looks pleased as punch. (Since when was punch pleased? But I digress...)