Friday, October 22, 2010


Smile!, originally uploaded by Fiorinda.

One of my Craftster and Flickr friends started a new group on Flickr called No Frown Found Friday. This is my entry for the day. I wish I could say they are all still smiling, but M(the blonde one) has been awake since about 2:30 this morning. He woke me up every hour or so to change his movie for him. He's been whining for about 10 minutes now about really random stuff. I see a nap in the near future, for both us.

All 4 kids are fighting off something. We've had runny noses and slight fevers, so I let everyone stay home today. Splitcat has to stay late tonight for the football game, so we may go meet him later for a late lunch/early dinner. If everyone is feeling better. Although on most days I am happy to send everyone off to school, there are days that I like having everyone near me. Today was one of those days. I like to have them near so I can ambush them with hugs and kisses. Tell them how much I love them. Of course, these are things I do every day, but it's more fun when everyone is already in a good mood from staying home from school.

I decided before I even had kids, that I would not be obsessive about attendance. I had perfect attendance for about my last 6 years of school, and it really did nothing for me. I learned when I was a full time worker that it was better to stay home and recuperate when not feeling well than to go to work sick and infect everyone. So I give my kids the same grace. Hopefully by Monday we will all be ready to face the world again.

So, if it's Friday, and you are reading this, smile(they are infectious), give someone a hug(they just might need one), tell someone you love them(for extra points,tell your parents, nothing makes me happier than to hear my kids say I love you).

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