Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Yesterday I took down my daughter's crib. I didn't cry, but it was a bittersweet moment. The Crib has been up for a little over four years. The kids are close enough that we didn't have to take it down. E. (my daughter) is almost two and a half. She has been enjoying playing quietly in her brother's room and lying in his bed. So I guessed it was time for the big move. I've been delaying until I could get her a toddler bed, her room is too small for a twin, but I haven't had the funds recently to buy one. So I decided to just put her mattress on the floor. I spent a couple of hours rearranging and child proofing. The results were better than I expected. It is a sweet little girl's room. I took E. in and showed her around. She got a huge giddy grin and kept saying "my rune? my rune?" I said, "Yes, this is your room" She hopped and bounced and touched everything. I left her to play in her space. Because everyone needs their own space.

She took a nap in her new bed, but I had to lay next to her on the floor until she fell asleep. At dinner, she still had the giddy grin. We were chatting amongst ourselves when we noticed that she was trying to say something. She said momma a few times, then nigh-nigh, then fixed, until finally she took a big breath, looked at her daddy and said haltingly, "Momma feexed my nigh-nigh" (nigh-nigh is what she calls beds). She has said four-five word sentences before, but I have never seen her speak with such deliberation. She knew what she wanted to say, and worked until she got it. It was a proud moment. I did almost cry because I did something to make her happy. There is not a whole lot you can do to make a 2 yr old happy outside of cookies. for my husband's blog on this go here(it's the one called momma feexed my nigh nigh).

I am really enjoying the fact that E. talks to me. Her brother didn't start really talking until he was three. He more than made up for that yesterday. My husband gave me a new PS2 game for my birthday. So of course I have been playing. Well, for about 30 minutes yesterday P. (my son) talked non-stop asking me questions about the game. "Are you died? Did he died? Why? Why? Why? Are you done? Can you go somewhere else? Why?" etc. I finally quit playing because I couldn't handle all the questions.

Today he was playing his favorite game, Spyro the Dragon(the very first one). He is quite content to play the same level multiple times, and his game is definitely improving. But I got a big kick out of listening to his own personal commentary on the game. He would mutter an occasional "cool" or "I'm coming through"(which he got from another game that his cousin plays) and my personal favorite "I am angry"(as he flames a bad guy).

I learn the most about P. by listening to his conversations with himself. He will sit in his room in the morning and play and sing. I wonder if I will be sitting outside his room in ten years hoping to catch him being himself. I enjoy my children immensely. I really hope that in time they will learn to enjoy me.


Splitcat Chintzibobs said...

Great post. Your family so much more interesting than mine.


Scott said...

Wait until they start beating you. Our oldest was beating his grandfather at Crash Team Racing when he was 5.

It hurts to watch a grown man cry.