Thursday, June 30, 2005

Theology and the four-year old

Since Easter my son has been trying to figure out exactly who Jesus is. For a while he would wake up in the night and want to have theological discussions about the nature of God. I am not at my best at 2:00 in the morning, but since this is important I would try to answer his questions as well as possible. After all, I was saved at his age. Since he has been attending a church sponsored Mother's Morning Out program, they talked about the Easter story. He apparently zoned out during the resurrection part of the story because he argued with me for several months that Jesus died on the cross. Period. End of Story. He was so convincing that I asked his teachers if they had told the whole story. They assured me they had. I'm not sure he still really understands, but he seems to accept the notion that Jesus is still around. He will occasionally, at random moments, ask me if Jesus or God lives in his heart. The other day at lunch we had one of these discussions. "momma, Jesus and God live in my heart." They do? I asked. When did you ask them to live in your heart? "While I was asleep. I saw them." And what did they say? I asked. "Nothing. They just stood there."

Well, I'm not sure what to make of that. He had been having bad dreams a few months ago, so we would pray that Jesus would give him nice dreams. But he was concerned that he couldn't see Jesus. So I had him pray that he would dream about Jesus. So I wonder if he did? It is so hard to tell with him. But he was so serious when he told me, I have a feeling it happened.

Then he asked, "Does God live in heaven?" Yes, God lives in heaven. He thought for a minute. "Then is heaven in my heart?"

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