I haven't posted for a while, so I figured I should. I don't have anything too specific to talk about though, so I am borrowing from my
dh and having a miscellany day.
Painting-I am currently quite busy painting
murals on the walls in the nursery rooms at church. It is really quite fun, but tiring. It has inspired me to rethink my children's rooms. I have always wanted to do murals, but was afraid. I think I could do it now.
School-P. starts his new school tomorrow. It will be weird to not be able to walk by and peek in his classroom to see what he is doing. I have always known that letting them start their own separate life would be hard for me. I like knowing what they do all day. I guess it's the part of me that won't put down a book until I finish. I like knowing all the details and how things end. I am excited for P. I think this will be good for him and for me.
No school-I will not be returning to the MMO this year. I am a little sad, especially since the room is finally being redone, but I am more happy that I will not be working. Those three hours that P. will be gone are looking awfully precious.
Bedtime-P. is usually pretty good about going to bed. Last night, however, I heard him crying. Usually it means there is a bug in his room. But last night, I'm not sure what set him off. I kinda think he must have fallen asleep and had a bad dream then woke up. But his face was puffy from crying, so he must have been crying for a while. I did actually feel a little guilty that I did not hear him sooner. He said, "I cried and you didn't come!" That didn't make me feel any better. I comforted him and tried to find out what was wrong, but he wouldn't tell me. During the middle of an incoherent ramble, he asked me for a picture of me and his dad. I obliged with a picture of us before we were married. He just gazed at it, but he still didn't want me to leave. A few minutes later, I convinced him I needed to go, that he could just talk to my picture, "but pictures don't talk" he said. I finally promised to come check on him in a little while. He manfully held back his tears, I could tell it was hard for him, the corners of his mouth couldn't have possibly gotten any lower. I told him I was very proud of him for letting me leave, and that he was a big boy. His parting comment was,"big boys cry sometimes?" I really hated to leave him, but E. was alone in the living room. This is not a good thing. I was planning on putting E. to bed in a few minutes so I could check on P. Then she started choking. I was convinced she had swallowed a small plastic animal. She stopped choking, but her eye was all red. Then half of her face got puffy and red, and she said her eye hurt. I am trying to decide if I should take her to the e.r. Her daddy is looking up possible causes of eye pain and says across the room, "is it shingles?" I'm thinking pink eye, or a sinus infection that has leaked into the skin(which has happened to her before) or just plain allergies, but in the back of my mind I'm still wondering if she swallowed a small plastic animal. I finally just give her an anti-histamine and put her in the pack-n-play and she falls asleep. At some point during all the worry, splitcat goes upstairs to check on P. for me. He informs me that he is laying in bed gazing at the picture I gave him. By the time I made it upstairs, he was asleep. So the first thing he says to me this morning? "Momma, you didn't come check on me." p.s. either the prayer or the antihistamine worked, e. was fine in about 30 minutes.
E.-since I'm usually moaning about her various illnesses, here is a brief, aww isn't she cute(with a little moaning). Two nights ago, E. wouldn't go to sleep, so I brought her back downstairs(end motherly complaint). splitcat was watching Batman (the cartoon from the early nineties, which is still one of my favs) E. got really into it. Not too far into the second episode, she picked up a dark blue throw and slung it over her head and said....."I'm Batman"
Complaining-I do whine alot about the various illnesses and what not, so this is just to say that I do find my children to be very delightful. Usually. :) Maybe I should always end a blog with something I like about the people in my family.
Something good about my family:
splitcat: patience
P.-I like how he doesn't care how other people think about him. I also like how he flaps his wings(his hands) every time I pick him up. Yes, it looks goofy, but I know it makes him feel special. In his mind he really is flying. I don't want him to lose his imagination.
E.--I like the way she randomly points to her fingernails and says "more." (Because I painted her fingernails a couple of times she always wants her nails painted) Why do I like this. Because she is already a girly girl. She loves to wear dresses and fix her hair and wear lots of jewelry. Though I am wondering how this will all pan out when she hits 13.