Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Put Your Foot Down, It's Party Time

We had quite the party weekend, and I am only just recovering. On Friday evening we went to a birthday bash for my mother-in-law. It was quite a party, she wanted to do something to thank all the people who had helped them out over the past year as she recovered from her surgery and subsequent near-death experience. It was really nice to see all these people and how much they appreciate my mother-in-law. She is the person who will do anything for anybody. We try to tell her it's ok to say no, but she won't. It wasn't easy for her to let so many people help her, but they were able to repay her for all the kindnessess she has done for them.

Saturday, we went to the in-laws to visit with the out-of-towners. We stayed up late playing Acquire and Texas Hold-em Yahtzee. I had a really great time. Unfortunately our sleeping schedules(and by "we" I mean E.) got all out of whack. So if I look like death warmed over, it's because that's how I feel.

I'd like to give a shout out to my sister for the fortitude she has shown this week in sending her kids to public school.

Today we went on a play date with my college roommate's little girls. I am so glad to have found some more children that P. likes. It's been great visiting again with my friend, too. I find it amazing that even after ten years, mostly apart, we still have that subtle understanding of one another that comes when you live in a 15x15 cement block room with the same person for two years.

That's all the news for now, I guess. It's hard to blog when all you can think about is the next time you get to sleep.


Because I Said So said...

"Put your foot down, it's party time"----That sounds like a great saying to put on a shirt.

Anonymous said...

You say "So if I look like death warmed over, it's because that's how I feel." You're on the internet darling--we can't see what you look like!

Who won the games?

Tonight I was looking for something but this is all I found...