Thursday, December 22, 2005

Requiem for a Car

Last Friday my car died. We assumed it was fixable, after all, this was our "good" car. As I cleaned out several layers of clothes/toys/dead chicken nuggets, I felt as though I was saying a final farewell. On Monday we received the sad news that is would take several thousand dollars to repair. We opted to let it go peacefully to car heaven. When my sone asked me where our car was yesterday, I had a senior moment and told him it died. He cried, very loudly, in my front yard. I told him daddy was buying us a new car, and it was silver. "But I want the blue car" he wailed, very loudly, in my front yard. Then he remembered his stickers on the windows. As I was buckling him in my borrowed car he said, "did my stickers die, too?" Unfortunately, I understand how he feels. It wasn't so much the car, but the memories, bringing home my children from the hospital, taking them to the emergency room. But, on the other hand........


It looks basically like this . We got a fresh off the truck '06 Corolla. When splitcat pulled into our driveway it had 15 miles on it. Neither of us has ever had a new car before. It is a little surreal. But wonderful. We can go on trips again. We'll just have to all sleep in the car.


Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

Congrats...that's a great Christmas present!

Valerie Comer said...

Congrats on the new car. Poor kid. It's hard enough saying goodbye to a car without all your stickers dying too.