Saturday, June 02, 2007


Today was the big recital day for the girl. We watched nine groups of little girls do tap and ballet routines. Our little girl did a tap dance to Rockin' Robin. It was very cute. Her outfit had all the things little girls love--sequins, feathers, and fringe. She does not have stage fright.

I am glad it's finally over. It was a lot of work getting everybody ready. She has short hair, but it still had to be in some sort of bun. I got it all fixed with the feather hairpiece, and about half an hour later as I was getting ready, she came to me with it in her hand because her brother had decided to pull it out. It put me way off schedule having to redo her hair. We made it just in time.

Next week is VBS. I am looking forward to it. Every summer I consider trying to find a VBS for every week to keep everybody occupied. But I'm too lazy to get out that much to drop off and pick up.

It's been a mostly quiet week. Everyone is better. At last. We spent one day at my sister's, that was fun. I'm hoping to convince splitcat to let me go to the movies tonight. I need some alone time. W. has decided he doesn't want to sleep, ever. And when he finally crashes, it has to be in your arms, and if you lay him down, he wakes up. The only exception is at bed time. But he usually wakes up at least once a night. M. is sleeping like a champion and taking great naps. My only complaint is that he still likes to wake up at 4 am for breakfast. So between the two of them, I am generally up 3 or 4 times a night.

I guess that's it.

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