Thursday, February 21, 2008

A quick update for those who care. Splitcat and Baby M succumbed to the bug earlier this week. I have not gotten it, nor do I intend to. It's been a long month. But tomorrow I leave for my retreat. This is a retreat for teenagers(this is the girl's weekend). I attended when I was 18 and have worked on quite a few weekends in various positions. This weekend I am a prayer person. There are six of us whose sole job for the entire weekend is to pray. I am doing the 2-4am shift, as well as praying throughout the day. I figured I was used to being up at that time anyway. My first inclination was to ask for another position, but I realized that spending a weekend in prayer sounded fairly blissful. I can wander about as I wish and be alone! I know I'm going to miss my kids. I always do. But momma needs some rest and rejuvenation. And Debbie needs to spend some time with the Lord. But there is almost always opposition in the spiritual realm when you work on one of these weekends. So thanks for all your prayers this past month, I truly appreciate them.

1 comment:

Karenee said...

What a lovely task, to spend the day (and night) talking to our best friend and leader! I'm sure it will be wonderfully rewarding!