Saturday, July 02, 2005

Another day, another trip to the E.R.

The day started innocently enough....

My sister and I planned a trip to Goodwill. I was excited. Then while E. was playing with her daddy, she got hurt. She usually just shakes it off, but it was obvious she was in some discomfort. I decided to wait a couple of hours and see if she got better. Of course she didn't. So I found the nearest urgent care center to Goodwill(since we went ahead with our plans). They told me to go to the hospital since she was so little. Then I remembered an interesting tidbit of info I received when my son fractured his elbow. The hospital closest to my house will not set broken bones. You have to go to the children's hospital near downtown Atlanta. So, just in case something was broken, I gathered up my mother(because I wasn't going to drive on 400 alone) and we set off.

I must say that is was the best ER experience I have ever had. It took longer to get there than for us to be seen, diagnosed, x-rayed, fixed, and sent on our merry way. She had nursemaid's elbow. Apparently, when the dr. was examining her, the ligament that was out of whack was fixed. It was the only time she cried, and by the time we went to x-ray and back, she was perfectly normal. She started picking things up, talking(she hadn't said a word all day.) It was very weird. But I am so glad she didn't break anything. We've had enough of that for this year.

1 comment:

Splitcat Chintzibobs said...

Glad that I could give you such a pleasant ER experience.
