Friday, July 29, 2005

Another Exciting Evening

Since I put E. back in her crib I haven't had too much trouble with her at bedtime. Tonight I have been hearing her off and on for a while. Then, of course, the crying began. With P. I knew every subtle nuance of his cries and what they meant. E. has a much more limited repertoire of cries, mostly they're just loud. So when I heard a hoarsely uttered wailing cry, that was not excessively loud, I figured something must be wrong. I guessed she need a diaper change. Well, As I mounted the stairs I knew for sure that she needed a diaper change. I did not expect, however, to find her bathed in blood, as I did. She tearfully told me she needed a wipe. A wipe would be about as useful as the band-aid I gave my sister when she had a tinker toy lodged in the roof of her mouth. It was just a nose-bleed. But she did a great job spreading it all over her face, hands, and knees, as well as her clothes. Fortunately, it had not yet occurred to her to use it as finger paint(since she has used other bodily emissions for that purpose, it's not a far-fetched idea).

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