Tuesday, September 12, 2006

One Month

The boys are one month old today. We went to the doctor for their checkup and W. is now 7 lbs and M. is 8lbs 6ozs. They are still doing great. W. went from the 4% in weight to the 13% and has grown another 1/2 in, making a total of 1 inch of growth since birth. M. has grown a total of 1 1/4 inches. I am glad they are both doing so well. We still have fussy days, but for the most part they are still very happy babies. We are still getting up in the night, but it's not too bad. It just takes an hour or more to get both babies fed. I've fed them at the same time, and it doesn't take any less time than feeding them one after the other.

I can't believe a month has gone by already. I am really enjoying having babies again. It can be frustrating, and tiring, but it is well worth it, especially when you get your first smile(M. smiled at me today for the first time). I am trying to enjoy these moments of infancy, since they will (please) be the last. There is just nothing in the world like a baby.

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