Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Alive Again

I'm finally back to the land of the fully awake. M. decided to have the fussies several nights in a row, keeping me up all night. I had been giving him formula at night to encourage longer periods of sleep, but it was keeping him awake. So I switched formulas yesterday and he slept great last night. W. has been going 5-5.5 hours between night feedings--woohoo!. Last night M. came close. They are still going every 3-4 hours in the daytime.

Yesterday was my official due date and the boys 3 week birthday. I can't believe they've been here almost a month. I'm still losing about a lb a day. Now if it will only keep going past my pre-preg. weight. I'm ready to wear my clothes again.

I took E. and the boys to the mall yesterday by myself. It went pretty well. I was going stir crazy. My mother and husband were shocked that I took everyone out by myself.

My best news lately is that E. is 100% potty-trained. Thanks to my mom. I've been working on her the past 6 months, but wasn't really trying hard due to being pregnant. So I told my mom that my goal for her two weeks here was to get E. finished with her training. And she did. I'm so not good at the whole potty training thing(though lazy might be a better word :)). Hopefully by the time the twins are ready I will be a better mother.

As much as I hate to say it, I better go wake up M to eat. I don't want him getting his days and nights mixed up.


Karenee said...

Woohoo! on the potty training. My Mom was instrumental in training all three of mine. There is a factor of grandmotherness that works way faster than mommyness for some reason. Don't feel bad that it works better. *grin*

I'm glad you're managing to get out. {{{hugs}}} Just think, now is going to be the easiest part of going out for quite some time. Just wait till the twins can go in opposite directions.

I've always been bemused by the ability of just one to be in three different directions at once. For a while all three were just too much, but now both Princess and Munchkin are getting responsible and I'm even getting glimmers of hope that Pixie will become obedient soon...maybe...perhaps.

Anyhow, *realises she's been talking too much again* I'm glad you're doing ok.

Valerie Comer said...

Hugs and I'm glad things are going well!

Anonymous said...

Lets hear it for Libby Lou!! the Grandmother