Friday, November 10, 2006

Still Alive

Just wanted to let you all know I'm still here. I 've been busy with fussy babies, and too tired to blog. I finally realized that W. is teething. We had a big front come through this week and I think that was what was making him so fussy. It gave me a horrible headache, too.

The boys are now three months old. I can't believe how fast they have grown.

Here is Twin A or "W"
Twin A

Here is Twin B or "M"

Twin B

They are truly delightful babies. I still can't believe how good tempered they are.

I took everyone to the park last week. I wanted to spend some time outside.

Day at the Park

The girl is wearing her new pants(the ones that fit). Anyway, it was a windy day so we didn't stay too long. But it is a lovely park with a stream and small waterfall. I can pretend I am in the mountains instead of Cobb County.

I'll try to blog more often. I'd hate to lose the few readers I have. :)


Anonymous said...

your kids are beauties

you will not lose this reader. we understand mothers of 3 month old twins as well as 2 others might not have time to blog. it takes only a moment to check the site and see if it is newly posted. we miss you when you are away, though. and your pictures make us miss cobb, even if it isn't mountainous. :)

Valerie Comer said...

Thank you for sharing these photos! We know you're busy...