Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Baby W. also has a double ear infection, but has thus far escaped the flu, and apparently it is unusual for babies to get strep. Baby M. seems to be feeling a little better. I had forgotten how challenging E. is when she's sick. When she was a toddler I knew she was sick because she'd get overly disobedient. Thankfully she can go to school tomorrow. Her Grandma J. is going to take her and P. home for the afternoon. Yes, I feel slightly guilty for not spending her birthday with her. But she'll have more fun with someone other than me. And I might actually get some work done.

My mother is sacrificing her day off to come over and help me out on Thursday. I think I made her feel bad when I called this morning to see if she could skip work to help me out since I had to go to the dr.'s office again. I didn't mean to. But I'm glad for the help.

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