Monday, March 12, 2007

Worse than I thought

After my brief post yesterday, I fed baby W. then put him to bed and picked up Baby M. to feed him. He was so hot he nearly burned me. So I took his temperature. 103. And he was really congested and rattly in his chest. So off to the children's e.r. we go. It's been awhile since we were there. They took snot samples, x-rays, monitored his pulse and o2 levels and gave him a breathing treatment. He had another double ear infection. His lungs were clear, so no pneumonia. We leave with a prescription for an inhaler and some amoxicillan. Then while commiserating w/ my sister(one of her wards has the coxsackie virus) I get a call from Children's healthcare. M. had a positive flu test. So, he has a double ear infection and the flu. He's really miserable. And he wants to be in my arms at all times. I'll get him settled down somewhere, but as soon as he sees me again or hear my voice he lets out this really pathetic wail. Splitcat was holding him last night while I was eating some ice cream and he kept trying to turn and look at me and was crying. At first we thought he wanted the food, but as soon as I took him back he settled right down and went to sleep. He just needed his momma.

So E. had a fever since Friday. It was still with us this morning so I took her into the dr. Her ears and nose and lungs were all clear, but her throat was a little red. She's been coughing, so I wasn't surprised. The dr. says maybe she has a mild case of the flu, but let's do a strep test just in case. Wouldn't it be a cruel joke if she has strep she says. She has strep.

I feel like a quivering mass of germs. M. won't let me put him down. E. can't keep her hands of W(who has a runny nose and cough) and keeps trying to crawl into the recliner with M. and I.
P. has so far escaped the viral whirlpool.

Needless to say, any prayers would be greatly appreciated. Is it June yet?

1 comment:

Valerie Comer said...

Oh my. I'm not sure why you're asking about June. I'm thinking you might want 2010!

Father God, I hold this family up in prayer to you. They are yours and they need you. Please grant them wisdom and love, health and rest, and the endurance to see them through this time. In Jesus' name.