Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gullible is under "J" in the dictionary

We've gotten some good laughs from the kids lately. Oldest boy P is the main provider. He goes beyond gullible. We've been telling him deliberate untruths for years trying to get him to question what people say to him, but it is apparently not working. Here are a few examples.

A few weeks ago, just as I was getting everyone settled in after school, I hear a blood-curdling scream, then heart breaking sobbing. Thinking he had fallen down the stairs or lost a limb or something, I ran to see what was the matter. I wish I knew exactly what he said, but he was crying so hard all I could make out was that he somehow managed to get pee on his arm, so now he was going to die. It was hard not to laugh. He really thought he was going to die. I explained that if he was lost in the desert with no water that he could actually drink it, so he would not die because it touched his arm. He was very quickly reassured. So my hope is that his aim will now improve and he will quit dousing the bathroom floor.

Sunday, we had a good time messing with him. After lunch, he said, "I have a question." My reply was "I only answer questions between 2 and 5pm." I was in another room at the time, so when I walked back in the kitchen, splitcat informed me that P had gotten out of his seat to check the clock in the kitchen and since it was only 1:45 he went and sat back in his seat to wait.

The best though, was when he asked about St. Valentine for Valentine's day. It was around 5:15pm when he asked. So splitcat told him that St. Valentine would be at our house at 5:30pm. P wondered how he would get in. So we told him that he came in through the toilet. We encouraged everyone to use the bathroom before 5:30 rolled around, because that would just be awkward. Then I told them that they would each be given a toilet scrubber, and they had to go scrub all the toilets really quick, because he came out of whichever toilet was the cleanest and if he was pleased with how clean it was, you got an extra surprise. P and E both fell for it. We had a good chuckle over it.

Now for some sweet twins stories.

This weekend all three boys were roughhousing and W got over excited and bit P. He was sent to his room to contemplate his behavior, and for him, was surprisingly docile about it. He usually lasts about 5 seconds in time out. When at last he emerged he went straight to P and said, "I'm sorry" and gave him a hug. No one had told him to apologize, and getting a coherent sentence out of him is usuallly an exercise in frustration. So it was very sweet to see that he does understand what apologizing is about. Even P was surprised and was very sweet about it.

Today as we were getting out of the car after school, I took a load of stuff into the house then went out to get the twins. They like to talk to the neighbors dog while they wait for me to unbuckle them, so I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention, but right as I went to get M out of his seat he was going, "Go away, go away, get out of here." Then he noticed me and smiled and said, "I wasn't talking to you Momma, I was talking to the puppy." His language skills have seriously blossomed lately. As we were walking in the house he remarked on how "breezy" it was outside.
On Saturday, when we ventured out into the snow I asked him if he liked the snow. His response was, "Oh yes, it's very beautiful."

Speaking of snow. I think this is one of the best snows we have had in a long time. Here are some pics.




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