Sunday, February 07, 2010

I just spent way too long tagging photos in the Photoshop Elements organizer, and came across these two photos I had meant to blog.

First-from September, this is the sort of mischief my boys like to make. My entire bathroom(which is pretty small) was covered in water.

Trouble 1 and Trouble 2

Why sleep in your bed when there is a perfectly good hallway to sleep in? These days they are sleeping in the living room. Their room gets really cold at night and Baby M gets scared if the door is closed. We've had to start locking our door at night because Baby W sneaks into our bed in the middle of the night, on my side, and gradually takes over. It makes for a very uncomfortable night of sleep. M has been waking up every night between 2 and 4 for the past few weeks. I'm not getting enough sleep. I've never figured out why he won't go back to sleep when he wakes up. W just settles right back down and to sleep when he wakes up.

Sleeping Like babies

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