Friday, February 05, 2010

Well, we made it through Christmas and New Year, and suddenly it's February. You have probably been asking yourself, where is that girl? Why isn't she blogging? I miss her so very very much.

One of my biggest obstacles of late are the little dudes. They have learned to open the gate at the top of the stairs and follow me where they are not allowed. They keep sneaking down and destroying their older brother's Lego projects, which gets me in trouble. So they are currently in time out in their room. Hopefully they aren't destroying too much. They have become extremely destructive lately. All of my walls have now been written on.

Another thing distracting me is the Playstation 3 we purchased just before Christmas. I bought Splitcat Fallout 3, and we are both pretty addicted. I keep telling myself I am going to quit, but it hasn't happened yet. It didn't help that we now have a much nicer television to play on, and its all in my bedroom. If I sit too close I get motion sickness. It's beautiful.

Netflix. Why did we wait so long? Now we just need to hook up the wireless modem so we can stream straight through our PS3 into our room. I should be receiving the original Muppet Movie today.

Crafting. Instead of posting more pics here, please feel free to visit my Flickr page(bookmarked on the right). I have been participating in swaps on Craftster. It was fun, but I am taking a break.

Working. I have gone from 3-4 babies to 6-8 babies seemingly overnight. Several of the new babies have never been left before, so they cry alot. Yesterday my shoe was christened with baby puke. Thankfully, I wasn't wearing my Converse.

I have a new habit of photographing my shoes. I'm not sure why. But it's fun.


I also finally learned how to download actions in Photoshop Elements, so that is fun. Here is the first one I did.

I've been exploring photography at bit more lately. I am enjoying it. (again, feel free to peruse my Flickr page, I update it a little more than I do here)

Lastly, I was inspired by one of my swaps to do retelling of a classic fairy tale. Perhaps I will share more on that later. Splitcat and I had fun working out the plot one night over milkshakes at Steak-n-Shake.

I guess that is all for now. Peace.

I almost forgot, the boy turned NINE!! How in the world did he get so old? There was much cake and Lego. His nice uncle gave him his old PS2 since ours was dead and splitcat and I took over the PS3. So now he can play all his old games again. That made him quite happy. He's a lovely boy. He has a delightfully odd sense of humor, he's really cute, and everything I always hoped for in a son. Although I still miss the days when he was a baby, I really enjoy getting to know him as his own person. He is still young enough to think it's okay to tell your mom that you love her. I secretly hope he never thinks otherwise.

I'd better go let the hoodlums out. Seriously, they are making me crazy. Just another year and a half until they start school. Of course, then I have to keep up with 4 sets of homework and four kids whining about not wanting to go to school. I guess every age has its challenges. But I am not sure they can get worse than the age of 3. I'll post something happy about them soon. They are really cute and now that they talk, they are pretty funny. Their latest favorite movie to watch is the new version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Baby M dances along with the Oompa Loompas.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aaaah! She's alive! So glad.

And yeah, it's me ... you know, Karen? Well, this is my new blog ID that I'm posting from. I'm trying to post poetry every-single-day (which isn't working, but I'm posting most days?) and also my art and photography.

Nice shoes. Can't wait to hear about the story. Lovely, lovely rose!
