Wednesday, September 05, 2007


This morning my daughter asked me

why don't do anything?
I said what do you mean?
She said, Why are you just a grown-up. Why don't you have a job.
I explained how my job was being her mother.
What did you want to be when you were little? she asked.
A mom. I said.

She seemed disappointed in my answer. But it is true. I have never desired a career. When I explained that if I had a job I wouldn't be home to take care of her and her brothers, she seemed to understand a little more. So I asked her, would you like it if I was only home in time for dinner? And she decided it was okay that I didn't have a job.

I guess I should stop letting her watch the Barney video about you can be anything. I've noticed that housewife and mother are never included in the list of things you can be when you grow up.

In other news, I think I broke my little toe on Sunday. It hurts.

I am getting ready to send Val a rough draft of my novel. I know I still have a long way to go with it, but I am anxious to see what she thinks so far. I'm up to about 40,000 words. I'd like to make it to 70-80,000.

The girl started school yesterday. I did something I've rarely done and joined a women's bible study at a nearby church. My mother-in-law works there, so now she'll like seeing the twins more often. I'm not usually much of a joiner. I've done a few women's bible studies, but I knew everyone. I know one person at this one. We are doing a Beth Moore study on the Tabernacle. Apparently it was the first study she did and it has been updated. There is free childcare. The twins had a great time. Socializing can be stressful for me. But I had to get out of the house. The twins have gotten so attached to me that they cry when I walk IN the room as well as OUT of the room.

Baby W can climb up the couch. The other day I was at the computer and turned to check on the babies, who were playing in their little section of the living room, and W. was perched on the arm of the couch, looking over the back trying to decide if he could reach the floor from there. He's also getting pretty good at walking. He keeps me very busy.


Karenee said...

It's always good when they approve of us being at home with them, eh?

Valerie Comer said...

Once Hanna (age 6 or 7) said to me that it was nice she could come home after school and play with her own toys, unlike her friend Josh who had cool new Christmas toys that he never got to play with--because he came to our house every day after school.

And I'm WAITING!!!!