Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sorry I haven't really been posting much. Life is mostly boring. I kind of vegged out after my retreat weekend was over.

So, what's been going on in our corner of the world?

The babies are talking pretty well. It is wonderful to be able to communicate with them. Baby M says "sa" for yes, and Baby W says "Okay," but it comes out okaaaaaaaaaay, with a definite southern accent. M's eyes light up when he has successfully communicated with you. W. stopped climbing out of his bed, thankfully. They are loving school.

I have been working 2 days a week. I am mostly enjoying it, but it makes me tired. I was loving tuesdays, because I only had one baby, now I have 3 on tues and 4 on thurs. They are 3 mos, 5 mos, 7 mos, and 13 mos. They are all pretty mellow. I've been attending a bible study on weds. It is a weight loss study. I have lost 9 lbs in 10 weeks. So I have almost lost all the weight I gained after the twins were born(I lost some last winter and kept most of it off). I think that some of my loss is due to the fact that I am getting more than 3 hrs of sleep every night. Two years of sleep deprivation was very unpleasant in many ways. I still have a ways to go to get back to my pre-baby(the first one) weight. But now that I am no longer insane, I think I can get there.

The big kids are doing well. The girl is learning to read, the boy reads voraciously.

Now I am trying to figure out what to get everyone for Christmas. I think I am going to get out some toys the twins have never played with and wrap them. I have a whole box of puzzles they have never seen. I am going to donate some to their classroom and then give them the rest for Christmas. I have so many toys, there is no reason to buy them more.

Oh, and my sister and I are going to the 12:01 showing of "Twilight." Her 13 yr old son is going with us. We will probably be the oldest people there, and he may be the only boy. But we thought it would be fun. We don't get out much.

1 comment:

Valerie Comer said...

I tagged you for a meme! Cool that the twinlets are starting to communicate. :)