Friday, November 21, 2008

Val tagged me for a meme to write seven random facts about books. Since she wrote about her personal experiences about books, I shall do the same.

1. I read the Twilight series in less than 4 days. I didn't think I would like them.
2. My best friend and I used to go to her house and spend hours reading. Her house had books stacked everywhere. I thought it was wonderful. We were in elementary school. My sister thought we were weird. My best friend is now a Librarian.
3. In high school, while everyone else was reading books like "Flowers in the Attic," I was reading Thomas Hardy, the Bronte's, Tennyson, and William Blake.
4. Splitcat and I had part of our first date at a used bookstore.
5. I read Gone With the Wind when I was twelve.
6. In high school, my AP English class was reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest, but my mother wouldn't let me read it, so I did my project on Jane Eyre.
7. My favorite male characters in novels are Paul Atreides, Edward Rochester, Mr. Darcy, Arthur Dent, and Faramir. My favorite female characters are Jane Eyre, Elizabeth Bennett, Lirael, Sabriel, Tally Youngblood, and Harry Crewe.

1 comment:

Valerie Comer said...

That was interesting! Thanks for playing.