Saturday, July 02, 2005

I've been tagged!!!!!

4boydad tagged me. So here are my answers(with a little bit of info stolen from splitcat).

1. How many books have I owned? (I stole this answer from splitcat and made it my own. I like to make him do all the work)

I don't know. I have about 14 bookcases in my home. They all hold books. Two hold SF and Fantasy, two hold general fiction, two hold mystery/suspense, one holds YA, two hold sewing/craft, one holds non-fiction theology/devotional, one holds a mish-mash of textbooks, anthologies, etc, two hold history and Star Wars Lego models, two hold children's books. And yes, I have read 90% of them multiple times. To illustrate the seriousness of my book addiction. I gave up novel reading for Lent. It was painful, but the Lord really blessed me for being obedient. You can get a lot done when your nose isn't stuck in a book.

2. What was the last book you bought?
The last NEW book I bought was Sunshine by Robin McKinley. But more recently I traded some books at a used book store. I bought a Gordon Dickson, Patricia McKillip, William Sleator, and a few others I don't remember.

3. The last book that you've read?

Four Faultless Felons by G.K. Chesterton. I had forgotten how much I enjoy Chesterton.

4. List five books that mean alot to you.

a. The Bible-self explanatory
b. At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald. This is a simply delightful, and sad book. It is filled to the brim with little pearls of wisdom.
c. Lirael by Garth Nix. I enjoyed the whole Abhorsen trilogy, but this one just really stuck with me.
d. What's Mine's Mine, by George MacDonald. It is very moralistic, but a very true description of how our lives should look as Christians.
e. The Hero and the Crown, and the Blue Sword by Robin McKinley. I just really like them.

5. Tag five people that haven't played yet
I don't know five bloggers, If I ever do, I guess I'll have to tag them.


Splitcat Chintzibobs said...

Your husband can't count.


Scott said...

Nice list. We listened to an unabridged version of Blue Sword on the way to and from vacation last year. It was good, although we didn't get very far.

The boys didn't care for it much, but they eat their own boogers, so I wouldn't look to them much for meaningful criticism.