Sunday, July 09, 2006

I'm not sure what to blog about, so I apologize in advance for anything boring.

Friday afternoon while splitcat was mowing and the girl was napping, and I was trying to nap, the boy grew bored of his lego and joined me for some conversation. He told me he had a dream that morning. Thinking he wanted to share, I asked what it was about. I can't tell you, he said. It was an angry dream. I tried to get him to explain what an angry dream was, but he wasn't telling. I asked him why he couldn't tell me, and with all seriousness he gazed out into nothing and said, "because a dream is a wish your heart makes." Perhaps we shouldn't watch so many Disney movies(since this is a line from a Disney song).

The girl still loves her dance class. She dances through her day. She reminds me of when I was little and would dance through the house. I toned it down though when in the first grade I was twirling in the hallway at school and seriously sprained my pinky by hitting it on the concrete wall.

The twins continue to try to tunnel through my skin. Well, at least that what it feels like every time they move. We are a little closer to choosing names, but still not 100% sure.

Splitcat will be gone during the day this week for an AP Institute. It will be weird to have him gone. Hopefully I can keep up with the kids. They will be at their grandparents tomorrow, so it will be quiet.

I guess that is all. I'm too sleepy to think any more.

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