Sunday, July 23, 2006

Still Alive, Still Pregnant

Sorry I have been so lax in posting. I Haven't had much to say. I tried the other day and ended up ranting because I was mad at something totally different than what I was writing about, so I didn't post it. Mostly I've been tired and cranky. I went out the other day and when the girl went looking for me she asked splitcat why momma wasn't in her bed. I was at the movies enjoying Pirates of the Carribean. Oddly enough, I didn't find it as dark as the first one, but apparently everyone else thinks it is alot darker than the first one. I liked it.

Yesterday we finally got some of our excess furniture removed. It made our living room feel so much bigger. Things still are not arranged exactly as I would like, but it's getting there. I hope to have some pics of the nursery up in the next few days. It's turning out nicely.

I have my next ultrasound on Wed. This should determine if I need a c-section or not. Hopefully not. I had a reg check-up last wed and everything was fine. Except for me being ready to be done with this and have babies to look at. It is getting very painful to sleep. Turning over requires a lot of effort. At least I'm getting used to getting up in the night. I can't believe I'll be 34 weeks this week. It seems like I've been pregnant for at least 2 years.

It's time to feed the masses, I'll try to do better this week.

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