Friday, May 05, 2006

Friday, May 05, 2006

I am finally over whatever was making me ill. Except I seem to be having some more morning sickness. It's very annoying. I have too much to do to be sick.

I don't think it will be a problem for P. and E. to share a room. E.'s been sleeping on the floor in his room the past few nights, except last night when she got the bed, and he got the floor. I'd like to paint in there before I move her bed in, but I may just have to go ahead. E. seems to like sleeping on the floor. She has been sleeping on the floor in her room for several weeks. I've always had a thing for the floor, too. I like sitting on the floor. I also liked to sit under tables.

The Star Wars saga continues to be an active force in our home. I've found P. sleeping with his lightsabers on more than one occasion. I just heard him ask his sister if she wanted to be FireStar and he would be Spiderman, and they would defeat Darth Maul. "Do you want to play Star Wars Episode I?" He asks. He was thrilled when his father opened up the General Grievous character in his game. He has 4 lightsabers. I was the first to actually finish the game. I've almost completed it 100%. I need to find out when the next installment is out.

For a good laugh, wake up a five year old at 11 o'clock and take him to the bathroom. It's like watching a sleep walker. I have to position him just right, but he will suddenly turn to the side and stand there like he's aiming for the toilet. But mostly he just stands there scratching his sides and tummy. Then he'll turn around and try to walk without pulling up his underwear. When I get him out the door, he invariably turns the wrong way. Soon we're going to have to get the girl up, too. They seem to have inherited my sleep through anything gene.


Scott said...

September 12

fiorinda said...

WooHoo. Just in time for my Anniversary. (Hint, Hint, splitcat)
Doesn't eleven years=Video Games?