Friday, May 19, 2006

If you couldn't tell, I wasn't feeling very good yesterday. I feel much better today. My children didn't get back from their grandparents until 7:00pm. So I had a day of much needed solitude. And I finally got the energy to do some laundry.

My ultrasound went well on Tues. I think I forgot to post about it. Both babies are still well. Baby A weighs about 1 1/2 lbs and Baby B weighs a few ozs less. Baby B was head down, but A was still breech. I would post pictures, but I don't know how to use our scanner. They now have a fair chance of surviving should they come early. But I still have no signs of preterm labor. So that is good. This week will be week 25 out of 40. They get more real to me every day. I can't wait to hold them.

1 comment:

Valerie Comer said...

Glad things are fine :)