Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Well, it would seem that it is May already. I was going to wish everyone a happy may day, but it would appear I'm too late. I seem to be having low grade fevers again. It makes my mind kind of mushy. I haven't been able to hold a thought long enough to post anything coherent, and I'm not making any promises about this post.

I got a call Saturday afternoon from my sister requesting an evening out. We went to the Varsity and to the Movies. We saw American Dreamz. It was pretty odd, very funny, but one of those movies you're not sure you could recommend. It was a very dark comedy. But I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard at a movie. Neither of us wanted to go home after the movie so we stopped by Barnes and Noble. Bookstores are so relaxing. It was nice to spend some time together. After four years of working together it is weird that we don't spend as much time together.

I don't remember much since then, except I fall asleep pretty much every time I sit down. It didn't occur to me to take my temperature until this afternoon.

This evening we had family clean-up time in the living room/playroom. For some reason we all like to clean to bluegrass music. When we were done, E. started dancing to the music. I wish I had a picture to show you, but you will have to use your imagination. She was wearing a white shirt with hot pink flowers, a pink disney princess pull-up(which is inevitably in a wedgie position on at least one side), purple plastic high heeled dress up shoes, a straw hat with red flowers on it and the matching handbag, and a strand of metallic green beads. She'd put one hand on her hip and hold the other one out and start shaking her hips. It reminded me of a flapper dance. We both wondered who she learned that from. It certainly wasn't me. We got a little bit of it on video. It was just a strange and funny dance. But while she was dancing, P. was trying to sing me the songs they are doing for "muffins for Moms" day. He was concentrating so hard on his songs, and I kept busting out laughing. I felt bad when he asking me why I was laughing at him. But it would appear there is some interesting entertainment lined up for our special day.

The twins seem to be doing well. I am getting lots of kicks and nudges, some are now visible from the outside. It's a very strange feeling. But Baby A has become much more active than Baby B. Unless Baby B has drastically changed position. Which wouldn't be a bad thing, since they were both breech at my last ultrasound. If they stay breech, I will have to have a c-section. Which I want to avoid mainly for cosmetic reasons, I don't scar well. Of course, I will go ahead with it if I need one, Since the babies health and well-being takes precedence. After all, it's not like I ever plan on wearing a bikini anyway.

Still no names for the babies. Maybe we should go with Ringo and George.

1 comment:

Valerie Comer said...

I'm glad to hear everyone is okay. Come on Yahoo sometime and I'll brainstorm names with you! :D