Friday, May 04, 2007

Oh No!

For the last month baby w. has been diligently honing his crawling skills. He now crawls wherever he thinks he needs to go. It has taken him approximately 2 days to go the next step. He can pull himself up. He doesn't want to sleep. He wants to crawl or stand up. He's quite a busy fellow. Fortunately his brother stays where you put him. For now.

In other news. We will soon be upgrading our internet service, so I won't have to worry about using up the phone lines and will hopefully blog more.

1 comment:

Valerie Comer said...

Having spent a few days this week with my nephew's 11.5 month old son, I can appreciate the apprehension that each new stage brings as parents (and everyone!) triple check to make sure the surroundings are *still* safe. (We're in the middle of renovating, so our house really isn't the best place to turn an almost-walker loose!)