Friday, August 10, 2007

Thursday and meet-n-greet

Okay, so here's last Thursday of our vacation. We went to the pool in the morning. Then we met my Uncle Ronnie and his family for lunch at Joe Patti's. We were a little late in getting there. When we went to go down the elevator, It wasn't there. We were on the 7th floor. A nice man tried to go downstairs and bring the elevator up, but it opened on every floor but ours. So Me, my mom and dad, P. and E., the twins, and a stroller, all walked down 7 flights of stairs. Fortunately the repair guy was in the next building over and the problem was resolved when we returned. Then, when we are on our way across town to the restaurant my uncle calls to tell us that a water main had broken and therre was no water at the restaurant. He ordered ice tea for all becaus that's all that was left. they stopped taking customers right after we got there because they were out of tea. It was a very tasty meal.
Joe Patti's

After lunch we went over to the fish market and looked at the boats.(that's my mom)

Shrimp Boat

We went to Seville Sqaure next, hoping the kids would run off some energy. Instead P had a major meltdown. He and I sat in the car.
Seville Square
I did manage to get this pic of the stained glass windows in the Historic Church(Christ Church?) It's very old.

Next we drove through my old neighborhood to pick up our leftovers from my uncle and to show the kids the house I lived in when I was little. My room was the one all the way to the left. The yard was much different when I lived there. It was full of pine trees. Everything was so much smaller than I remembered even from the last time I was there.

Old House

Later that evening there was a massive storm.


In other news. The boy got to meet his new teacher today. She seems very perky and nice. Just what first-graders need. His class is very small. His teacher said they average 12-13 kids per class. Two of his girl friends are in his class, but not his one male friend.

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