Monday, August 27, 2007

Gifts from the Lord

I was just reading Karenee's response to a comment I left on her blog and felt that her answer deserved a wider audience. She had written a post about someone giving her furniture for her girls and how she appreciated the Lord meeting her need and giving her nicer furniture than she had expected. Here's the post. I commented on how I loved to give the Lord credit for all the small things he does. Just last week when I was at the thrift store I found a book I'd been wanting to read, There is Always Enough, by Rolland and Heidi Baker. As most of you know, I don't like to pay full price for books, and I wasn't sure if I could find this book at the bookstore. It was really just a passing thought that I wanted to read it. Yet there it was, for $1.48. And as the title of the book suggests, it is about how the Lord has provided over the years as they have been missionaries to the poorest of the poor. I highly recommend this to anyone interested in missions. Anyway, Karen wrote this response to my comment:

Isn't it wonderful how, in every aspect of life, God surprises us by His consideration of the little details? I feel sorry for those who prefer to attribute these things to mere chance. They lose out on the realization of a gift, making even the ordinary joy extraordinary.
Saturday, August 25, 2007 8:16:00 PM

I have found myself lately looking for the Lord in everything that happens in my day. It is truly a joy to see Him work out the smallest details. Even on my darkest days He sends me a reminder of His presence, even if it is just a cool wind on a hot day, or a smile on one of my children's faces.

I just thought Karen's response much too beautiful to lay fallow. I hope it encourages you to look for God in the small details of your life as well as the big.

1 comment:

Karenee said...

Aww, thanks, m'dear. God certainly deserves every ounce of gratitude we give Him. Thanks for agreeing!