Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I've been meaning to post these pics for awhile. This is a poncho I made for a lady at church. She had some really beautiful very heavily beaded jeans she bought on a trip to Rome(Italy, not GA) and wanted a long poncho, so I came up with this. She is about half my size, so it is much longer on her. I made up the pattern as I went along. With the help of a friend(hi Lindsey!) I found a really cool yarn that was cashmere and microfiber(and something else I can't remember) that was the same pink that the jeans had been washed in. Then we found a beautiful and funky eyelash yarn that had all the colors that were in the beads on the jeans( that's the fuzzy stuff you see in the picture). I also had it on the wrong way, the seam should be on my other shoulder, but I was running late for church that day and was in a hurry. But you get the basic idea. It took me over three hours to knot all the fringe(or it would unravel). It was fun to make. I will post pictures of the one I made my sister another time. I need to get the chilren's ready to go to the grandparents and me ready to go to the dr. I'll let you know how my visit goes.

PS. Everything went well at my dr. visit. the midwife couldn't find the heartbeats so we used the ultrasound. they were both still there, about twice as big as last time. One of them put on a show for us, kicking its legs and waving its arms. They were both pretty active. My next formal ultrasound will be in 5 weeks. I feel much better knowing that everyone is growing like they are supposed to. I was pleased that I had only gained 7 pounds in the last six weeks, and the nurse thought I was crazy(since the ideal is 3-5 pounds) until I told her it was twins and that I had been eating every two hours for the last month. Then she understood why I thought that was good. Only 6 months to go!

1 comment:

Valerie Comer said...

I'm so glad to hear the kidlets are doing well, and so is Mommy!