Friday, January 11, 2013

Family Fun 1/52

So today is the day I am supposed to blog about my family. And since we just completed the holidays, I suppose I should speak of them.

Two weeks before the break, the three youngest children and splitcat came down with the flu(or a flu-like virus). It was quite possibly one of the saddest sights I have seen. Splitcat took one day off work, but then was feeling and then went in anyway. The children missed an entire week of school. The first few days they did not move, speak, cry, nothing. They only moved when nature called. Poor M had it worst. His fever stayed in the 101-103 range for 4 days. It was a little scary at times when they medication didn't seem to be helping his fever subside. Somehow P and I managed to not get it. I was sick a bit, but not to the extent the others were. So we ended up not ever getting our big christmas tree down from the attic. I mostly didn't mind since I am the one who has to set it up and decorate it. I had a couple of small trees that weren't in the attic so I put mine up in my bedroom and the other small one up in the living room.

Honestly, I found it kind of nice. I am not the hugest fan of all the Christmas hoopla. But splitcat is, so I usually try to do things up for him and the kids, but no one really seemed to mind. P was the only one who kept asking when we were putting the tree up. Everyone still got presents to open and they were all happy with what they received. I feel like the older I get the more minimalist I become about the holidays.

The funniest thing that happened was on Christmas Eve. The kids get to open a present at my in-laws. When W got his present everyone started reminiscing about how last year he opened up a movie and loudly proclaimed it was stupid. Well, true to form, it happened again. P opened up his gift which was a huge LOTR Lego set. So when W opened his and just saw what looked like a piece of paper he said really loudly, "This is SO LAME," and then proceeded to cry. You gotta love a kid with zero filters. Thankfully, once I explained to him what everything was (some art stuff) he was happy. Splitcat got a great picture of his reaction, but he has it set to private so I don't think I can show it here.

Everyone has gotten along pretty well for the duration. P and M have been the worst. When M gets tired he gets cranky and starts bugging the crap out of his siblings and P rises to the bait every. single. time.

New Years I spent home alone while the kids and splitcat went to his sister's house for playing games and hanging out. The kids thought it was fun to get to stay up so late. they were cranky the next day, though.

And so now the break is over and life is ready to go back to it's routine.

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