Thursday, January 10, 2013


You may have noticed a lot of updates this week. Are you suprised? Do you feel special? Do you think I've finally lost it? If you answered yes to all those questions you win a very nice prize that will be donated by my sponsors. oh. wait. I no haz sponserz.


So why, Debbie, why?

Because I love you? At least those of you who are still reading after all this time and so few updates. And when I started thinking about the whole 52 week project idea I thought about how I could do more with that. So, here I am. There you are.

This is my tentative schedule. I plan on scheduling a week or so's worth of posts on Sunday's when I upload my pic for the week. I may schedule further ahead sometimes. So I apologize if you are offended that I won't be personally attending my blog on a daily basis. But, realistically, that will never happen. The schedule button is my new best friend :).

Sunday-My pic of the week
Monday-a quote I like-this may or may not(probably not) be followed by commentary
Tuesday-Crafty-something I have made or accomplished for the week.
Wednesday- A Scripture
Thursday-Thoughts-me generally spouting nonsense about whatever I want
Friday-Family-updates on the kids and life in general.
Saturday-Singing Saturday! Yes, it will be resurrected.

So, stay tuned.

In other news. I have returned to work. But I have graduated from babies to 4 yr olds. woohoo? I needed a job and my sister needed help. so. We work really well together and my mom works just below us with the 2 yr olds, so it will be nice to see them more often again.

So, here's to me trying to actually blog again!

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