Sunday, August 20, 2006

Going to the Doctor

The boys had their first dr. visit yesterday. It went well. The dr. wanted to check their jaundice, and it seems to be on its way out. Baby A(aka W.) is down to 5lb 13 oz, and Baby B(aka M.) is at 7lb 7oz, back up from his lowest weight at the hospital which was about 7lb 3oz. We are going back Tuesday to make sure their jaundice is still disappearing and W. has started gaining weight instead of losing. But she wasn't too worried since he is eating regularly and poops fairly non-stop. We've almost got them on a coordinated schedule, eating every 3 hours. Since my other two started out life eating every 2 hours, that extra hour is really nice.

I'm feeling mostly well. My back and stomach muscles haven't figured out their old jobs yet. We've been taking turns getting 5-6 hours of consecutive sleep, and that has been helpful. P. still thinks his brothers are great and loves to touch them. E. likes them, but just goes about her daily business.

That's pretty much all that's going on here. Mostly it's all about eating, sleeping, and changing diapers.

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