Sunday, August 13, 2006


There is so much to write about, I'm not sure what to say. I could get all mushy and mothery and write about the Boy going off to kindergarten, but I think splitcat said it all pretty good over at his blog. I know how much he will love school once he understands the routine. He's pretty nervous right now. He likes his classroom, but didn't have much to say about his teacher. His class only has 13 kids in it, so that is good. Kindergarten and school in general has gotten so much more complicated since I was a child. I had the world's best kindergarten teacher, so I really hope P. likes his. I have found my worries to be more about him taking care of himself than learning or making friends. What am I going to feed him for lunch, the boy who doesn't eat. He has so many little quirks, perhaps I am just afraid of them being lost as he is mainstreamed into the society of school.

Then, of course, I will be giving birth to twins in the next couple of days. I'll have my sister post for me after they are born so you can get all the details. We've almost got names. I'm beyond ready to have this over with. I need to see little hands and feet to make this a reality. So many hands and feet.

I will miss my quiet family of four, but I know in a few months we will hardly remember life without the twins.

Okay, this is totally off topic, but I am watching the Sleuth Channel and Miami Vice is coming on. I remember what a cool show it was. But that was the hokiest opening I've seen in a long time. Maybe tv has just gotten too violent. And here's a question. Does anyone remember a tv mystery show about two young brothers/friends that lived on a boat-it's not Simon and Simon or The Hardy Boys, but I think one of the Hardy Boys was in it.

Sorry about the randomness, but I think I am too tired to be sentimental. I have learned that life goes on regardless of my feelings about it.

1 comment:

Valerie Comer said...

I'll be watching for the news and praying for you all!