Thursday, August 24, 2006

Night Shift

I am on my first 6 hr night shift with the boys. I slept from about 7:30-midnight, so I am too awake to go back to sleep right now and I am waiting for W. to wake up to eat. Our return visit to the dr. yesterday was good as far as the jaundice. M. had gained an ounce and W. had lost an ounce, so he goes back for another weigh in on Friday. But he is eating a little more.

M. has decided to go to four hours between feedings. This is certainly ideal from my point of view, so we've got to get his brother chunked up so he can go that long. He's going 3-3.5 hours. So I can't keep them on the exact same schedule, but I am trying to keep them within an hour of one another. They had their first visit to the Walmart today and slept right through it. They are so very sweet. It is a little sad knowing these are my last babies, but it will be fun watching them grow up together. This has been so different than bringing home P. and E. Not necessarily in any bad way. I could keep them in my room with me. But not these guys. We are sleeping in the living room right now, but will probably move up to the nursery once my mother leaves. She brought her aero bed, so I may keep it so I can sleep in the same room. They've slept in their car seats the past 2 nights and that has helped them sleep a little better. I want to try to get M. back in the bed as soon as possible, but little W. is just so little, so he may take a little longer.

E. starts ballet again tomorrow. She is thrilled. She gets tap shoes as well as ballet shoes this time. She has been very sweet this week. But she's decided her new favorite song is Old MacDonald. And she sings it constantly and loudly. At least she can carry a tune.

P. loves kindergarten. His favorite thing is art. For the most part he is adjusting incredibly well. hour or more later....

everyone is fed and asleep again. So it is time for me to try and get some more sleep.

1 comment:

Valerie Comer said...

I'm glad to hear the babies are doing well and that you are getting enough (?) sleep. Congrats to E for ballet and to P for kindergarten! :)