Saturday, August 26, 2006

Just wanted to let everyone know W. is gaining weight now. He gained 3 ozs from Tuesday to Friday. We get to go back Tuesday for their 2 week check up. It's really hard to believe it's been two weeks. My mother leaves on Thursday and real life begins.

The first week or so can be so otherworldly. Your thoughts and time are consumed with baby(or babies). Slowly the world comes back into focus as you try to remember what it's like to not be pregnant. Splitcat and I were able to go out to dinner tonight. My mother is at a ball(yes, a ball) and so splitcat's parents came over to help out and give us some time to ourselves. We didn't stay out too long, but it was nice to get out without children.

It is rapidly becoming apparent how much my body has suffered from this pregnancy. My brain thinks I am normal, but my body knows it hasn't gotten around too well the last few months. I find myself walking really slow. I have no excuses, I will have to start exercising. Now that my child-bearing years are coming to a close, I really must get myself back in shape. I have a lot of kids to keep up with. So far I only have 10 lbs of pregnancy weight left, which is really great. It's the 20-30 lbs I need to lose after that I'm dreading.

It's our first night alone with the boys. Hopefully they will continue to sleep as well as they have been.

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