Sunday, August 06, 2006

Strange Things

I went to the hospital today because I was swelling and seeing spots. Everything turned out fine, I was just slightly dehydrated. However, in the course of events, the midwife thought that there was a baby head down and in the correct position. So she brought in an ultrasound machine. She looked over Baby A several times, but he was still breech, so she thought she was wrong. But she looked over at Baby B, and it was him!. Which pretty much changes things to make him become Baby A. And means I might not have to have a c-section. She said his head was far enough down that it would be difficult for him to turn. So my dr.'s appointment on wednesday should be interesting.

So that's all that's happening here. The front door installation continues, and is looking really good. It will make our house look so much better from the outside.

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