Wednesday, August 16, 2006

They're here!!!!!

The babies arrived safe and sound early yesterday afternoon. Everyone had stayed where they belonged, so no c- section. I was able to see them last night and they are very cute. Look for all of the more interesting details later in the week when everyone comes home.( If she can find the time to write.)

Baby A---Born at 1:05p.m.
6lbs6ozs 21in

Baby B---Born breech at 1:09p.m.
8lbs 21 in

Mom and Dad are a little tired, but all are doing very well. Big brother and sister are very excited. We are all very proud.

Because I Said So


Valerie Comer said...

So glad to hear! Baby B must have been a bear to get out--breech and that big. Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I love their names, by the way.