Saturday, March 18, 2006

Excuse me while I rant

I wasn't going to rant about this, but I've really had enough. And everyone else is in bed, so I don't have anyone to talk to.

This rant is about the Natural Birth Nazi.

I will begin by saying that I have no problem with natural birth, home birth, water birth, etc. If that's what floats your boat, go for it. It does not happen to float my own personal boat. I want my epidural and I want it now. (FYI, I tried natural the first time, due to a stall in my labor during transition, I was given pitocin, which made me have contractions every 30 seconds or so. I was about to start climbing the walls, so I had an epidural, a nap, then a baby. I wondered why I hadn't done it sooner). I also feel much more safe in a hospital than in my home should complications arise. But I know people who have been successful in their home birth experience, and I respect them for their courage. I don't have a problem with these people because they do not force their opinions down my throat.

That being said, I currently participate in a pregnancy forum. I generally stick to two threads where people are respectful and friendly. If someone asks for an opinion on a certain subject I am glad to voice my own, but generally end with, do what is best for you. There are a few women who have decided to make it their personal mission to tell anyone who is not having a home birth, who wants an epidural or other medications just exactly how wrong they are and how having a baby in a hospital is much more dangerous, blah, blah, blah. It got to the point where several threads were shut down by the site administrators because it got so ugly. Someone asked a simple question about circumcision and was told that circumcision is a human rights crime/violation(unless for religious reasons). I am sure you can imagine the chaos that ensued. I personally stayed out of that one. If you've had an episiotomy(if you don't know what that is, don't ask) or tear, your dr. was an idiot. if you had a midwife it wouldn't have happened(but your midwife can't work out of a dr's office, they have too much "medical" training and are just as bad as a dr.) The list is never-ending. And they are not nice about it. I have never encountered a more holier than thou attitude. It's driving me nuts. So you're probably thinking the same thing splitcat tells me, so ignore them or don't participate. I am usually successful at ignoring them, but every once in a while I run into one of them and want to cuss them out and tell them to mind their own business. Unless they are me or my dr, I don't care what they think. One woman started a thread called unnatural mommies, because she felt so alone. The response to her was overwhelming. It turns out that women who prefer medicated births are less likely to preach and proselytize, so we didn't see much of one another. Not all natural birth advocates are this bad or bad at all. They will state their cause and let you make your own informed decision. There really are just a few natural birth nazis. But boy are they obnoxious. I can't wait until closer to our due dates when we will get to hear all about how bottle feeding kills your baby and keeps you from bonding properly, blah blah, blah.(In case you care, I do both)

Okay, so I've ranted. I hope you enjoyed it. It won't happen often.


Karenee said...

{{{hugs}}} I know. I begged for every medication they'd give me. With TWINS? I'd say. "Put me out and wake me up when it's over!"

Scott said...

Your husband (as usual) has good advice. I try to stay out of web-boards (or WoW chats) that make me angry, because then I take it back into Real Life. It's a shame that the intraweb has given these folks the ability to spread their lunacy beyond their natural boundaries.

My personal un-favorite is the "back to sleep" craziness, because now The Man is involved. Our first child slept on his back for exactly one week. All four have slept on their stomachs since then, and none of them have died. Imagine that.

fiorinda said...

Yeah, P. didn't sleep until I figured out he wanted to sleep on his stomach. E. slept on her back, and still does. But P. was a champion spitter upper, so I felt better about him on his stomach. It's a crazy crazy world. And pregnant women are mostly insane(myself included)