Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Good News

Today P. had his IEP for speech and was dismissed! Yay!!! I think he will miss it because it was so much fun, but he really doesn't need it anymore. His teacher is going to give him a party next week for his last day. She said she hated to see him go because he was so much fun, but he didn't need her anymore. It was definitely worth all the hassle of getting him in. At 3 he barely spoke, so I took advantage of No Child Left Behind and he qualified for speech therapy. He didn't speak to his teacher the first six months, but at home I could tell a big difference. I've since decided that his brain was simply going to fast for his mouth. Now he talks so fast I have to ask him to slow down. His teacher wondered why he was in speech since he always did so well for her. When I had further testing done to check out his developmental skills this past summer the lady looked at me with obvious awe after she finished her testing. She was surprised at his visual memory and several other tasks he was able to finish without any trouble, he was developmentally ahead of his age. There's nothing like being told your child has above average intelligence.

I think many of his quirks stem from the fact that he's too busy thinking deep thoughts. Yesterday, in the car, he randomly asked, "Are our insides yucky?" So we discussed why we have skin and bones. We had barely finished this conversation when he said, "Do we still use cannons?" I had to ask him to repeat his question to make sure I heard right. He was very disappointed when I told him that we don't use cannons much anymore. He talked about seeing the cannons with his daddy, and decided he wants a cannon when he grows up. I tried to explain that we have much better weaponry, but he wouldn't hear of it. Part of me wonders if those two questions weren't related. I bought splitcat the Doom Collector's Edition for a stocking stuffer this Christmas, and the boy has caught us playing a few times. But I could be wrong, he typically asks totally random questions in the car. It must be a family trait. Splitcat and I always have our best talks in the car.

In other news, I have a prayer request. As my pregnany progresses, I suffer much pain. I was told I have bursitis in my hips during my first pregnancy, but now I wonder if it isn't SPD, which basically means the ligaments in your pelvic bones separate too much due to too many hormones. I've had this in varying degrees for most of my life, but it becomes much more severe while I am pregnant. It is just my hips and lower back that are affected, but I basically am rendered temporarily immobile because it feels like my hips either dislocate or lock up. And yes, it hurts, like a 10 on a scale of 10. And it can last five minutes or all day. The extra weight of pregnancy only worsens it. Now I'm going to have that almost doubled and I'm already having difficulty. So I'm calling in all my favors :) I don't want to end up in a wheelchair, which is where I see myself heading. I know most of my readers are people who pray, so please add me to your list. I'm totally open to being healed. So thank you in advance.

1 comment:

Valerie Comer said...

Hugs for you and prayers to our Father.