Tuesday, March 14, 2006


It's been a long day, and it's only 4:54pm. But I finally figured out why I have felt so crummy all day. I have a slight fever. I took some tylenol, so hopefully it will help. So, I don't really have much to say. Splitcat took the girl out for some bonding time, she's been jealous of all the time he's been spending with P. I'm wondering if she hasn't had a fever, too. She cried all afternoon until I gave her some ibuprofen and some claritin. Both of her ear tubes have fallen out, and allergy season has begun, so I have to pay extra attention. She took a nap with me yesterday and was snoring really loud. Since she's had her adenoids removed, it makes me nervous when she snores so loud. She has already spent so much of her life ill with ear and sinus infections. I really don't want her to have to go through it all again. But they both are already getting allergy eyes, which makes them look like they have 2 black eyes.

Well, I'm having a difficult time concentrating. So I guess that's all

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