Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I have a garage door opener!! Thanks to my father-in-law who spent the last two days installing it. The thing I liked least about not having one was having to touch the garage door bottom. It's always dirty. My OCD doesn't usually involve dirt, but for some reason it really grossed me out to have to touch the bottom of the garage door. I think I was afraid of sticking my hands into a spider or roach. (Shudders just thinking about it). So anyway. I have a garage door opener now.

I think that's all I have to say today.

1 comment:

Karenee said...

Yay! very cool! *doesn't like touching dirt either* I resort to wearing gloves when I have to take out the trash. *grin* Though I put the gloves away in the summer. *considers a pair of gardening gloves for the task*