Thursday, March 23, 2006

Is Today Thursday?

My sense of time is really screwed up this week. I spent all day yesterday thinking it was Thursday. Now my dilemma is, was E.'s ENT appt. yesterday or today? I have it slotted as Thursday in my internal appt. book, but I should really know better by now. They called me TWICE this week, and I am still unsure. It's still too early to call, so I'll just have to wait. The bad thing is that it can take up to 8 weeks to get another appt. But since it is just a follow-up visit and I know her tubes have already fallen out, I guess I won't worry about it. It was nice to make it through the winter without chronic infections. The previous two winters I was at the doctor's office every two to three weeks. That gets expensive. (Since I'm finishing up this post later in the day, I couldn't find the phone number and we were all in bad moods, so we stayed home)

In the last couple of weeks I have been awoken in the nicest possible manner. I wake up to a little boy crawling in bed with me and putting my arms around him. It's nice to know he still likes me. We spend much our days in a battle of wills(Like right now, I was just told I was mean because I made him stop bugging his sister), so it is nice that for a few minutes we are friends. At bedtime he always wants me to stay and says "Let's talk about something." Sometimes I stay just to see what he says. It's usually pretty entertaining. His favorite topics are "How did the dinosaurs die?" and "Where does God live and why can't I see Him?" He was very excited to find out he was going to have a brother. I asked him last night what he thought about having a brother and his reply was "Maybe he'll like Star Wars, too. I can share my lightsabers, I have two." Then he told me he really wanted an "olded" light saber like Darth Maul. I guess "olded" means "double-ended?" He also wants one that lights up, like his cousins'. I guess in all the stuff out there for little boys to be obsessed about, I prefer Star Wars to Power Rangers or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(although I have to admit I was a TMNT fan waaaaay back when they first came on in the late 80's. But that was before the world was over merchandised).

The best news in our home is that the laundry is almost done. Even though we did several loads a week while I was sick, it still managed to get seriously backed up. I like to put away all the winter clothes before I drag out spring, but the weather's been so weird I've had everything out at once. Plus my sister has given me several bags of clothes for the children, and it just started piling. So I've put away our heaviest winter clothing and just kept a few long sleeve shirts and pants. Someone also just gave me a box of maternity clothes(tell your sister I said thank you 4boydad) and my mother bought me some at our church consignment sale. I no longer have to wear the same things over and over again. I am glad that I don't have to dress up every day like I did when I was pregnant with P. I got really tired of my clothes. I find that I am not at all sad that this is my final sojourn into the world of maternity clothes. My goal was always to be done having children by the time I was thirty. I will turn 31 in June, so I almost made it. But I decided that if God wanted me to have 4 children, I'd rather do it this way and get it over with.

I'm already so tired of being pregnant. But that's probably because my body thinks it is already halfway there. Mornings are still a little rough, but I feel well enough in the afternoons to do some housework. But I've discovered this week that I have about a 2 hour limit on what I can accomplish before I can't walk. So I guess now I am going to try to spread it out over the day, and work like 15 minutes out of every 2 hours. My brain is also overloading in the decision making process. While I know that I don't have to keep everything, my brain sometimes screams "Hoard!" at me when I try to throw stuff out or give it away. Fortunately, I have learned to take those thoughts captive and throw them to the wolves. I think we've decided to have a garage sale. We have too much furniture. But I am considering offering up some of my books here, so I know that they've gone to good homes. I'll compile a list and put it up sometime this week. Twenty-nine years of hoarding is not pretty. I wish I had known this was my problem ten years ago. I am grateful that it never got so severe as the cases always given as examples. I am even more grateful for the women's group I was attending last year when I was healed of the compulsion to hoard. I still struggle with getting rid of my children's things, but I have reached a point that I only have a moment's hesitation. I have a feeling that in preparing for the twins I will finally be rid of all the clutter. And that makes me very happy.

ps It was my turn at the Scribes blog today

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